Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Let's Love and Love Genuinely.

Larger than life kind of love! 
( I couldn't figure out how to make this smaller. When I did, it was too small to read. But anyways...)

OK SO...

Here is the anticipated 'Love Acquisition.'
I've been looking forward to this little project for a while. Every day in February has a different love task, some more serious than others. Instead of dreading the love that is in the air in February, I decided we should celebrate it! Truly and genuinely. 
The first ten tasks are interpretable; they are all asking you to love something or someone. It is up to you how you do so. The rest are pretty self- explanatory. 

Do this with a willing and open heart. Who knows what will happen during this time. 

Share your stories with me! 
Instagram: @anais_loves
Twitter: @ana_ama

& tag away! #loveacquisition 

Let the fun begin!

Wednesday, January 16, 2013


Acquisition- the act of acquiring; obtaining or receiving.

A lot of the times, the best method of receiving is when one is giving; Giving of themselves, not grudgingly, but willingly. Even when it may be out of our comfort zone, even when we may not feel like it; give. When we give, we receive. We receive insight, blessings in return, and we learn how taking eyes off of ourselves actually benefits us. 

So what is a Love Acquisition? I've created the Love Acquisition for the month of February. Love in February? real original, right? Every day in February has a different task, some are silly, some are very real, some may take us out of our comfort zone, and some are up for interpretation. I'll be revealing the Love Acquisition list the last week in January.

Who's in?

Tuesday, January 8, 2013

Few Things:

1) Never receive grace in vain. 2 Corinthians 6:1

2) Put faith into action. James 1:21-24

3) Endure till the end. Matthew 10:22, Matthew 24:13

2013 is here. So many cool things happened in 2012. It was a year filled of lots of laughs, tears, growth, set backs, triumphs, and failures. Timing is key. I'm learning not to rush things, but to remain faithful and to wait upon the Lord. I learn over and over and over again, that He knows best. Sometimes I can be such a know-it-all, but really I'm clueless. hahah. 

God is beckoning me, I'm learning to be sensitive to that call, to that ever present and quiet voice. He is a loving and guiding God, along with being a just and mighty God. I just have to surrender to what He has for me. I throw my hands up and let God know, that He's in charge. "Use me, Lord. Guide me. I'm Yours." I use to be intimidated to fully surrender and be desperate for God; thinking I wasn't good enough, or that it would be too hard to follow, or that I'd get rejected. I was bringing God down to our measly and human-like demeanor. Really, God was just waiting for me to come to Him. I just had to be willing.

Don't stay down, look up to where your hope is (or should be). Ask for forgiveness for being prideful, unforgiving, and hard headed. Read His word, act on His word, bind those promises to your heart. There is more to life than just struggling and barely getting by. Even during tests, trials, and tribulation, count it as all joy-- Praise should continually be on your lips. When your mad, praise and thank Him. When your sad, praise and thank Him. When your happy, praise and thank Him. When your confused, praise and thank Him. Seek him and draw near to Him.

Jesus is THE way, THE truth, and THE life-- he's not one of many options. He is the only option.

Oh how sweet it is to know Him...