Wednesday, December 23, 2015


I have the awesome opportunity to work with people coming from all sorts of backgrounds with all different stories to tell. As a teacher, I get to see "ah-ha" moments that help me know that I am doing alright in this teaching world. Sometimes though (more often than I thought), I get guarded, tight fisted, difficult students. That's how we see them anyways. It always goes deeper than that. 

I have to constantly remind myself: They aren't mad at me, they don't mean some of the things they say, they aren't annoyed with me. 

Maybe they got in an argument with mom before they left the house.
Maybe they're tired from staying up the night before due to a variety of circumstances that are unknown to me.
Maybe something happened hours, days, months, or years ago and they still carry it with them every single day. 
Maybe life can actually be difficult for a middle schooler. 

So many times, we, as teachers, want to shove academics down their throats when so much more is going on in their lives; how can they be expected to focus on the task at hand? This has always been a struggle for me. As teachers, we have a duty to teach them. But as a human being with feelings, I also find it equally important to help the student grow in all other aspects-- teaching to the whole student.

But what can one do when you're not sure what is going on with them? All I can do is keep going, keep trying, keep pushing; because I know they see it and feel it; my heart for them-- all of them. Even if I'm not 100% sure that they know and see my intentions, I can at least hope they do. Because I'm not going anywhere and I don't want to give up on any of them. 

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

Marrying Me.

I find myself 2 days away from marrying my main man. Like, how did I get here?

I grew up with so many insecurities, with so many doubts, in so much mess, but even in the midst of the fog, I found myself hoping and desperately seeking for glimpses of hope every where I went. Someone has chosen to love me and keep me for all of his days-- even with all my mess and imperfections. He has made a conscious decisions to be there and do life with me; not ahead of me or behind me, but right along side me. And when I fall, pout, and throw an adult sized temper tantrum, he has promised to be there. We have so much to learn and we have just begun to see the great things that lay ahead of us. We've decided to jump in with both feet-- we know it will be work, work that we've never had to encounter; we know it will not always be easy; we know we will have to intentionally love; we know we have to communicate, even when we don't feel like it. But we also know that we are gaining our very own happily ever after; we know that God needs to be the center; we know that we are for each other.

I wonder, how did I get so blessed? What did I do to deserve this? Why would anyone want to spend the rest of their life with me? I'm not putting myself down as if I do not have any great qualities, because [thanks to God] I recognize that I have been gifted in different ways-- but even then, I'm amazed at his tendency to explore my gifts, learn about me, and want me. How incredibly cool is that?

It really is just a small fraction of what God's love is like. It's a reflection of how Jesus loves the church. I see it when I'm with Jamaal. I see the love of Christ in his eyes. It's a love that is much deeper, wider, and bigger, than that " oh she's hot" type of love. It's that love that will stick around, even when I don't understand why, even when I'm not communicating well, even when things are rough, but also when things are going swimmingly. I get to see "love endures all" with the one and only man that has totally captured my heart. Neither of us did anything to deserve this, but God in His gracious love, has allowed us to experience such a sweet love during our lifetime on earth.

I don't take it lightly.

I am becoming a wife. And this will be one of the coolest things I've ever encountered.

Tuesday, June 30, 2015


Self absorption
Self image
Self pride

We, as people, have become so egotistical. We, as the body of Christ, have forgotten where we came from. We need to remember how Christ saved us all from hell when we consciously decided to follow Him and let Him lead us; the cheater, the murderer, the thief, the doubter, the liar. Even you, the good person with a not so bad past. We were all on the same road of self destruction without Christ. Not one is better than the other, not one sin is more prominent than the other. Please let us never forget the grace gifted in us, the mercy offered to us, and love lavished on us. Because we have been bestowed grace, mercy, and love, we - as ambassadors and reflections of Christ- are called and commanded to also bestow it on others. And not calling us to bestow upon strangers or unbelievers only, but those that have hurt us, used us, and even abused us. We all have those people that have done us wrong, whether intentionally or unintentionally. We are called to have grace and mercy on them; far from easy or desirable to us, I know-- believe me, I know. We've made life all about us; leaving others behind, forgetting to glorify God with our lives, disregarding the lost. We have ALL fallen short.

BUT there is good news! We can make a conscious decision to love, be graceful, and be merciful. God does not scoff at us and turn his back on us when we may feel like the exact opposite of graceful, loving, or merciful. Actually, He wants to be there with us every step of the way; holding our very hands and working in and through us. We have to surrender and trust what God is doing; we just have to. Even when we don't feel like it, even when we feel entitled to our feelings of hurt, even when we're upset, even when all is going well-- we need God. Th creation must know the Creator; know Him intimately and personally.

I'm learning to truly live this all out. I pray you join me in the journey.


Saturday, January 10, 2015

Finding Myself...

The two stages in my life where I learned the most about myself were the middle school years and the college years. Although both are very different, they are also very similar.

Both are considered precursor points to major life stepping stones. Middle school is right before the exciting and new high school years and college is right before the launch into "real life" and careerism. Middle school is like the forgotten child. It's not like elementary where you get a lot of foundational skills and all the mushy attention, on the other hand, it's not high school where you have to make a good impression for the choices ahead; SATs, grades, sports, applications. In both middle school and college, one is trying to figure themselves out. Who do I want to be friends with? Am I any good at sports? Can I sing? Have I ever thought about theatre? Do I tell people what I believe in? A person can feel lonely and scared or can thrive and persist in either situation. Or maybe it's a roller coaster ride; up and down with the feeling of wanting to throw up from time to time.

Starting in middle school, I came into my own; figuring out who I was in the Lord, what kind of person I wanted to be, and how I was going to make it in this wretched life. In college I learned - and experienced- how God is for me. I began to get a glimpse into the bigger picture. I felt what it was like to be undermined. I knew how it felt to be accomplished, but unsatisfied; how it felt to be loved, but rejected; how it felt to be eager, but confused.

Maybe that's why I teach middle school, maybe that's why the college years are scary and exciting for me to watch someone experience. Maybe we should encourage one another, not just the go-getters, but the ones that seem confused and lost. Maybe we should pay attention to the journey and not just the end results. Check in with each other, love one another, every moment counts.

We underestimate how important every stage, every phase, every day is; each an experience that is significant.

Push forward, friends.
