Monday, June 24, 2013


So if you've read the previous two posts, by now you know I'm going on a missions trip to Guatemala. As I prepare for it I wonder, "How much of my personal life is going to affect me preparing for the trip and the trip itself?" I've been fairly emotional these past two weeks. For those that know me, that may not be much of a surprise. Lots going on in head: wanting more of God [first and foremost], dealing with my own insecurities, relationships, church, work, school, knowing what to say and when to say it-- Am I the only one? 

I admit, sometimes I think of stuff way too much. Even writing this, I've stopped a couple times just to let a few tears stream. But anyways...

When I think of stuff too much, I start to loose focus of what God is trying to do. I get caught up in emotion, that I loose the true focus of everything: my sweet Savior. What i'm feeling may be valid, but it doesn't take precedence over God. Things happen. Thru the emotions, thru difficulties, thru triumphs, thru indecisiveness, thru insecurities, thru it all, God is the deliver. He is my rock, my source. 

So does it all affect me preparing for the trip and the trip itself? Yes. In a good God praising way. As I keep my eyes on Him and remain faithful, I can rest assure that all things are being made new.

 It's all intertwined. 

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