Tuesday, January 10, 2012


Hello sweet darlings.

I've come to the conclusion that I have a lot to learn. No kidding, right?

People are such interesting beings. The way people deal with their feelings, emotions, different situations, with each other, and all other areas of life is so intriguing to me. I'm learning to learn from others. I think my mind set was always, "i'll figure it out" type attitude. But that's were I went wrong. I can learn so much from those around me (be it good or bad, that's why we have to be smart enough to make the right decision and trust God in all we do). I have friends that have taught me: not to sweat the small stuff, to love no matter what, to pray without ceasing, to trust harder, to talk and say what I mean/how I feel, & a billion of other things. 

I've always been a "people watcher" not to judge or the like, but because human beings are so cool to just study and observe. Today, we tear each other down and rip each other apart. If we took time to see the beauty in each person, it would be a completely different world, huh? Instead we quickly judge one another, we "hate" on each other, we talk about each other. & i'm not saying that strangers just do it to each other but "friends" do it to each other! It baffles me each time. Why don't we uplift each other more often? How about taking time and trying to actually understand each other rather than spitting out the first thing that pops up in our twisted and evil minds? That's what it means to be Christ-like, right? Loving so hard, unconditionally, and unceasingly. Someone told me, "everyone is great" and I thought about that for a few. This person can strike a conversation with anyone, anywhere; he's just that type of person. But it's so inspiring to see. He talks to people, because he thinks, "well, if I was here, i'd want someone to talk to me" & he has the attitude of, "why not?" Why not strike up a conversation with a person? Why not give someone a honest and sincere compliment? Why not hold the door for someone or help them pick up papers when they drop a pile of it on the floor? Why not go over and genuinely ask a person how they are doing? Why not smile a person just for the heck of it?

So many people have that independent/ self sufficient/ I don't need anyone - type attitude. Ya'll are hurting so bad and have no one to turn to because you've created this wall of distrust and you're not letting anyone in. Believe me friend, it will blow up in your face As humans, we're made to need each other. We need companionship. We need to converse. We need love. We need to learn to draw from God and then let Him shine through us in every way possible. 

Community is key.


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