Thursday, February 28, 2013


Some questions that came to mind during the love acquisition...

Am I making an idol of the idea of love, rather than loving The One who is love?
Is love proactive? If so, have I been too passive with loving?
Have I really been loving everyone or just the people that love me?
Who really bugs me? & how can I love them more?
How do I reflect love in my everyday life?
How do I show my love to God in every day life?
Is love really the greatest commandment? If it is, then why haven't I been living up to that?
When I have a certain attitude, what is the root of that attitude (be it good or bad)?
What small changes in my everyday life can I make?
Do I really love as much as I think I do?
Words are powerful; therefore, how can I speak more in love (toward others and for myself)?
How am I treating those closest to me?
How am I treating strangers?
What are the results of love?
Do I really understand that I am loved?
Am I judgmental? Even though I say I'm not...
Do actions really speak louder than words? If so, what are my actions showing?
Why do I let myself get in my own way?
Do I really have praise continuously on my lips?
Do I understand that their is a divine purpose for my life?
What is the first thing I do when I'm feeling defeated, hurt, or mad?
What do I do when I KNOW I'm right (but let's be honest, sometimes I don't really KNOW if I am or I'm just being stubborn), and the other person(s) do NOT seem to get it? How am I reacting?
Is it really necessary to be the "bigger person" ?
What are the benefits of being the "bigger person" ? What are the benefits of holding animosity and strife?
What flows from love?

I'm not trying to tear myself apart and question everything I do to make myself (or you) feel bad, but it can be a good reality check. I pray God forgive me for my selfishness, jealousy, and any other ugliness inside of me; sometimes those things creep up again and I have to work on it all over again, it's not necessarily easy. I do know that keeping my eyes on God- in everything I do, everyday- is key. Life is not life without God. Since God is love, life is not life without love.