Thursday, April 14, 2011

What's love got to do with it?

Okay so I started this blog so excited about everything that I wanted to say and then all of a sudden, I drew a complete blank.

Then I started to think about what I could write…
“Come one Anais, there has got to be something you want to talk about. Just talk about anything at all.”

But that’s not good enough. Not for me, not for you. I don’t want to make this about babbling and writing just to write; just for the heck of it. I want this to be meaningful for you and for me. That leads to my next thought…

What means something to you?  Like really mean something.

People think they're living, but in all reality they have no clue what true living is. They don’t even know who gives true, real, abundant life. They live on impulse.. “Tomorrow doesn’t matter, let’s worry about today” There is so much more to live for; so much more. We think we can do things on our own strength, on our own time, with our own thinking. Me, me, ME. It just leads to failure. Believe me, I lived it and have seen the results.

Something I try to live by is “Love God. Love people.” Anyone that knows me and anyone that is my friend knows that I truly love and care for them. I’ve been told that love is a commitment & that’s exactly what it is. I’m making a commitment to someone when I say I love them. I promise to be there, to communicate and to give them the best of me. It’s not the easiest thing to do but hey, the love of Jesus is unfailing and never wavers so I can try right? I heard one time…”I’ll try my best & God will do the rest.” So that’s that.

Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Hello beauties.

Well, I’m new to this whole blogging thing. I wanted to start blogging because I’ve been learning a lot lately about the Lord, about myself and my surroundings and I thought it would be great if I shared it.

I wanted to try and start journaling but my hand cannot keep up with the thoughts in my head so that just ended in frustration. So here I am.

I want to make sure that everyone knows that this blog is not meant to put anyone down or hurt anyone’s feelings. I want this blog to be about ideas, thoughts and lessons that I have floating around my head. These things come from experience, from reading and most definitely from THE Spirit; the Holy Spirit himself. He is most definitely dwelling inside of me and more present than ever in my life.

 I’m not trying to give a disclaimer before I even start writing but whatever. All I can say is, If you want to disagree with it then fine; it is ok to disagree with some posts. It is about what I believe & what I wonder. So there.

With that said….I’ll be back soon.